7,896 research outputs found

    Towards Visual Ego-motion Learning in Robots

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    Many model-based Visual Odometry (VO) algorithms have been proposed in the past decade, often restricted to the type of camera optics, or the underlying motion manifold observed. We envision robots to be able to learn and perform these tasks, in a minimally supervised setting, as they gain more experience. To this end, we propose a fully trainable solution to visual ego-motion estimation for varied camera optics. We propose a visual ego-motion learning architecture that maps observed optical flow vectors to an ego-motion density estimate via a Mixture Density Network (MDN). By modeling the architecture as a Conditional Variational Autoencoder (C-VAE), our model is able to provide introspective reasoning and prediction for ego-motion induced scene-flow. Additionally, our proposed model is especially amenable to bootstrapped ego-motion learning in robots where the supervision in ego-motion estimation for a particular camera sensor can be obtained from standard navigation-based sensor fusion strategies (GPS/INS and wheel-odometry fusion). Through experiments, we show the utility of our proposed approach in enabling the concept of self-supervised learning for visual ego-motion estimation in autonomous robots.Comment: Conference paper; Submitted to IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS) 2017, Vancouver CA; 8 pages, 8 figures, 2 table

    High-Performance and Tunable Stereo Reconstruction

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    Traditional stereo algorithms have focused their efforts on reconstruction quality and have largely avoided prioritizing for run time performance. Robots, on the other hand, require quick maneuverability and effective computation to observe its immediate environment and perform tasks within it. In this work, we propose a high-performance and tunable stereo disparity estimation method, with a peak frame-rate of 120Hz (VGA resolution, on a single CPU-thread), that can potentially enable robots to quickly reconstruct their immediate surroundings and maneuver at high-speeds. Our key contribution is a disparity estimation algorithm that iteratively approximates the scene depth via a piece-wise planar mesh from stereo imagery, with a fast depth validation step for semi-dense reconstruction. The mesh is initially seeded with sparsely matched keypoints, and is recursively tessellated and refined as needed (via a resampling stage), to provide the desired stereo disparity accuracy. The inherent simplicity and speed of our approach, with the ability to tune it to a desired reconstruction quality and runtime performance makes it a compelling solution for applications in high-speed vehicles.Comment: Accepted to International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA) 2016; 8 pages, 5 figure

    Some Stability Results for Markovian Economic Semigroups

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    The paper studies existence, uniqueness and stability of stationary equilibrium distributions in a class of stochastic dynamic models common to economic analysis. The stability conditions provided are suitable for treating multi-sector models and nonlinear time series models with unbounded state.Markov processes, asymptotic stability, semigroups

    A Systems Approach to the Physiology of Weightlessness

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    A systems approach to the unraveling of the complex response pattern of the human subjected to weightlessness is presented. The major goal of this research is to obtain an understanding of the role that each of the major components of the human system plays following the transition to and from space. The cornerstone of this approach is the utilization of a variety of mathematical models in order to pose and test alternative hypotheses concerned with the adaptation process. An integrated hypothesis for the human physiological response to weightlessness is developed

    Location utility-based map reduction

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    Maps used for navigation often include a database of location descriptions for place recognition (loop closing), which permits bounded-error performance. A standard pose-graph SLAM system adds a new entry for every new pose into the location database, which grows linearly and unbounded in time and thus becomes unsustainable. To address this issue, in this paper we propose a new map-reduction approach that pre-constructs a fixed-size place-recognition database amenable to the limited storage and processing resources of the vehicle by exploiting the high-level structure of the environment as well as the vehicle motion. In particular, we introduce the concept of location utility - which encapsulates the visitation probability of a location and its spatial distribution relative to nearby locations in the database - as a measure of the value of potential loop-closure events to occur at that location. While finding the optimal reduced location database is NP-hard, we develop an efficient greedy algorithm to sort all the locations in a map based on their relative utility without access to sensor measurements or the vehicle trajectory. This enables pre-determination of a generic, limited-size place-recognition database containing the N best locations in the environment. To validate the proposed approach, we develop an open-source street-map simulator using real city-map data and show that an accurate map (pose-graph) can be attained even when using a place-recognition database with only 1% of the entries of the corresponding full database.Charles Stark Draper Laboratory (Fellowship

    Towards consistent visual-inertial navigation

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    Visual-inertial navigation systems (VINS) have prevailed in various applications, in part because of the complementary sensing capabilities and decreasing costs as well as sizes. While many of the current VINS algorithms undergo inconsistent estimation, in this paper we introduce a new extended Kalman filter (EKF)-based approach towards consistent estimates. To this end, we impose both state-transition and obervability constraints in computing EKF Jacobians so that the resulting linearized system can best approximate the underlying nonlinear system. Specifically, we enforce the propagation Jacobian to obey the semigroup property, thus being an appropriate state-transition matrix. This is achieved by parametrizing the orientation error state in the global, instead of local, frame of reference, and then evaluating the Jacobian at the propagated, instead of the updated, state estimates. Moreover, the EKF linearized system ensures correct observability by projecting the most-accurate measurement Jacobian onto the observable subspace so that no spurious information is gained. The proposed algorithm is validated by both Monte-Carlo simulation and real-world experimental tests.United States. Office of Naval Research (N00014-12-1- 0093, N00014-10-1-0936, N00014-11-1-0688, and N00014-13-1-0588)National Science Foundation (U.S.) (Grant IIS-1318392

    Jumble Java Byte Code to Measure the Effectiveness of Unit Tests

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    Jumble is a byte code level mutation testing tool for Java which inter-operates with JUnit. It has been designed to operate in an industrial setting with large projects. Heuristics have been included to speed the checking of mutations, for example, noting which test fails for each mutation and running this first in subsequent mutation checks. Significant effort has been put into ensuring that it can test code which uses custom class loading and reflection. This requires careful attention to class path handling and coexistence with foreign class-loaders. Jumble is currently used on a continuous basis within an agile programming environment with approximately 370,000 lines of Java code under source control. This checks out project code every fifteen minutes and runs an incremental set of unit tests and mutation tests for modified classes. Jumble is being made available as open source

    Real-time manhattan world rotation estimation in 3D

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    Drift of the rotation estimate is a well known problem in visual odometry systems as it is the main source of positioning inaccuracy. We propose three novel algorithms to estimate the full 3D rotation to the surrounding Manhattan World (MW) in as short as 20 ms using surface-normals derived from the depth channel of a RGB-D camera. Importantly, this rotation estimate acts as a structure compass which can be used to estimate the bias of an odometry system, such as an inertial measurement unit (IMU), and thus remove its angular drift. We evaluate the run-time as well as the accuracy of the proposed algorithms on groundtruth data. They achieve zerodrift rotation estimation with RMSEs below 3.4° by themselves and below 2.8° when integrated with an IMU in a standard extended Kalman filter (EKF). Additional qualitative results show the accuracy in a large scale indoor environment as well as the ability to handle fast motion. Selected segmentations of scenes from the NYU depth dataset demonstrate the robustness of the inference algorithms to clutter and hint at the usefulness of the segmentation for further processing.United States. Office of Naval Research. Multidisciplinary University Research Initiative6 (Awards N00014-11-1-0688 and N00014-10-1-0936)National Science Foundation (U.S.) (Award IIS-1318392